Morgado didn’t make it – China in Brussels
Why is there such a fuss about the leaking of the planned meeting between José Casimiro Morgado – director of…
Why is there such a fuss about the leaking of the planned meeting between José Casimiro Morgado – director of…
US President Biden’s visit to the Middle East has brought to mind an issue that has receded somewhat into the…
Der Besuch des US-Präsidenten Biden im Nahen Osten hat ein Thema in Erinnerung gerufen, welches seit dem Krieg in der…
A favourable wind had driven me to beautiful Bolougne-sur-mer at the Channel. By accident there I discovered one of the…
Founded in 1952 in Hamburg, the Atlantik-Brücke organisation is considered one of the most influential networks in Germany and has…
Since March 2022, the Predator drone manufacturer General Atomics Europe GmbH has a representative office in Berlin. The office manager,…
Es mag eventuell zweitrangig sein, aber dennoch ist ein Blick auf jene Liste interessant, die angeblich die 120.000 russischen Soldaten…
…zeigt alles Mögliche, nichts davon ist wirklich beruhigend: Im August 1975 hatte die CIA eine lesenswerte Studie zum Nationalismus in…
My last paper for Jane’s Intelligence Review ist about Covid-19: Potential for anti-vaccination violence increases. Keypoints are: Demonstrations of anti-vaxxers…