
This is the title of a new paper I published in Jane´s Intelligence Review.
For those who want to go deeper:


Short: “Over the course of 2012, police raids were carried out throughout Germany that highlighted the growing problem of non-state actors acquiring sophisticated counter-intelligence (CI) capabilities. Formerly the preserve of the state, counter-intelligence – defined as the totality of measures deployed by an organisation to prevent hostile intelligence collection efforts against it – has increasingly become a tool and a function of a range of illegal groups.”

In other words: It´s about the subject I analysed in my dissertation “Private Intelligence. Geheimdienstliche Aktivitäten nicht-staatlicher Akteure”, which was published in 2011:

Private (counter) intelligence will be more and more important in the future, when state agencies have to deal with actors, which behaviour is totally unpredictable – like religious cults. There exist amazing and cautionary tales. Beside others main players are powerful Organised Crime organisations with a global attitude. The latter will influence and form governmental intelligence operations in the future – maybe more than terrorist groups.