
Das Bundesamt für Verfassungsschutz und Terrorismusbekämpfung – “Gehns, machens keine Gschichten!”

Soeben las ich voller Begeisterung und Optimismus eine Verlautbarung des österreichischen Bundesministeriums für Inneres:  “Nehammer: BVT wird auf neues Fundament...

Covid 19, Impfungen und sonstige böse Machenschaften

Es ist schon deprimierend, wenn man sich für bestimmte Recherchen immer wieder gewissen Personenkreisen und ihren Behauptungen aussetzen muss, von denen man sich besser tunlichst...

Penmen of Beijing

Business as usual: In Hong Kong, democracy is actually at its end and meanwhile one has to seriously ask oneself to what extent the arrests, the sudden disappearance and the exodus...

Idiots united

Wondering why I should accept the fact that other people blow up the railroad tracks, preventing me going from A to B, I decided to look at the current state of the technophobic...

Die braunen und die gelben Gefahren…

 … könnten nicht unterschiedlicher sein. Während die eine mir immer mehr von Wahnsinn, Dummheit und Absurdität gepackt worden zu sein scheint, glaube ich in der anderen...

Atomwaffen Division and the North Korean regime…

...both are things which should disappear as soon as possible. But anyway it is interesting to see from time to time the sympathies between both ideologies and the naive right wing...

Delivering food to North Korea

The frustration that China is currently creating with its repressive measures and threats around the world has several consequences. One of them will be that China will pay less...

The hidden political agenda: Why not shutting down the BND?

Many years ago, Wolfgang Schäuble – at that time interior minister of a German federal state – had the idea of installing the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung as a...

Global Networking of Right-Wing Extremism….

…is something which interests me. And so I am pleased to point out to my new paper: “Far-right extremists step up international networking”, published with Jane‘s...