
Drinking beer with Arafat

Recentlly I drank a beer in Brussels named Illegaal. The label showed a well known person: The taste did not remind me of the alleged poisoning of Arafat by the Mossad – the...

Behind enemy lines…

…is the title of a new brief paper I published, subtitle: “Infiltration of Western police and intelligence agencies”. It can be downloaded on my website...

Game of Pawns – again and again

One of the last cases in espionage conducted by Chinese intelligence shows again a few interesting details. As far as I understand the arrested person is not finally convicted and...

Mateusz Piskorski etc.

Ich las im Qualitätsmedium T-Online vor ein paar Tagen über Mateusz Piskorski. Dieser sei in in Polen inhaftiert „wegen Spionage für russische und chinesische Geheimdienste an – er...

Nowitschok usw.

Beim Lesen alter Ausgaben von “Horch & Guck” fiel mir der Name Andrei Mironow auf – jenem Russen, der am 24. Mai 2014 bei Gefechten zwischen ukrainischen...

Crispy CRISPR…

…or: The rise of Frankenstein’s Clustered Regularly Interspaced Short Palindromic Repeats.  Discussing this with a few people from the counterproliferation branch...

Syria, SSRC, NOSSTIA and North Korea

In the last days a lot of media reports referred to a UN Report not published yet, describing that “North Korea has been sending equipment to Syria that could be used to make...

Shady business behind CPEC

The last months a lot of paper about the CPEC were produced – regarding the Chinese political-economic agenda in South East Asia. Beside the official and more or less...

Another boring Reichsbürger…

… can look for a T-Shirt here: One can also buy it as a “Braunhemd” which means here a brown coloured T-Shirt: Who is behind Abarcshop? But this time no Chinese...