…was a public diplomacy publication of the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), which provided an estimate of the military strategy and capabilities of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War, ostensibly to alert the U.S. public to the significant military capabilities of the Soviet Armed Forces. The single publications were not classified and can be downloaded easily.
A few days ago I found three of them in a box, hidden in an dusty bookstore in Dublin. Inside were a few old articles from newspapers of the 80s and one – Volume 1987 – was stamped presumably by the US Embassy in Dublin.
More interesting is a document, made with a good old typewriter, which I found inside. It seems to be – more or less – a compilation, written 1987 by the Unites States Information Service (USIS), the former name of the today’s United States Information Agency.
Nothing Top Secret, but anyway its a nice historical piece. Due to the dusty place I found it I decided to publish from time to time some scans and documents from my archive on my new, simple site namend Dusty Insights. The document can be downloaded there.