Am 29. Januar 2024 hatte die sogenannte Letzte Generation (LG) einen Wechsel ihrer bisherigen Strategie angekündigt. Statt sich auf den Straßen festzukleben, würde die neue...
In the interesting but currently somewhat discredited book on Russia entitled “Der kalte Freund” (The Cold Friend) from 2011, Alexander Rahr mentions the cyber attack...
On 1 January 2024, I published a short analysis at the European Intelligence Academy. There, I deal with the concept of so-called delegitimisation of state...
… war am 23. Mai 2023 das Ziel von Hausdurchsuchungen. Der Vorwurf der zuständigen Behörden lautet, es handele sich um eine kriminelle Vereinigung. Jenseits der nun...
Why is there such a fuss about the leaking of the planned meeting between José Casimiro Morgado – director of the EU Intelligence and Situation Centre (INTCEN) – and...
US President Biden’s visit to the Middle East has brought to mind an issue that has receded somewhat into the background since the war in Ukraine: the looming threat of a...
Der Besuch des US-Präsidenten Biden im Nahen Osten hat ein Thema in Erinnerung gerufen, welches seit dem Krieg in der Ukraine etwas in den Hintergrund gerückt ist: Die drohende...
A favourable wind had driven me to beautiful Bolougne-sur-mer at the Channel. By accident there I discovered one of the many offshoots of the Ukraine war: a Russian vessel...
Founded in 1952 in Hamburg, the Atlantik-Brücke organisation is considered one of the most influential networks in Germany and has had its office in Berlin for many years. Its...